Sunday, May 19, 2013

I hate drawing!

by Hartika Guspayane at 11:23 PM 0 responses
Rencananya makalah, rajangan dan gambar mikroskopik selesai hari ini. tapi kasur memang selalu adalah tempat yang paling nyaman. dari bangun tidur sampai jam 2 siang cuma guling2 dikasur, denger musik, tidur lagi, main, tidur. sampai akhirnya mood untuk menggambar muncul. Dan yang selesai untuk hari ini ya cuma sampai disini.
Makalah, mohon bersabar ya, bsk pagi langsung kugarap dikau,janji.. :)

1. Penampang melintang Cortex Gardenia augusta

Saturday, May 18, 2013

galau ternyata

by Hartika Guspayane at 10:59 PM 4 responses
damit, baru baca postan pertama gue si lirik lagu. galau amat yak ternyata. lolol. tapi serius itu musik nya bagus banget, menyentuh, suara tante wax (nama aslinya siapakah?) kece deh pokoknya!

not too late to post this, right?

by Hartika Guspayane at 9:13 PM 0 responses
ini waktu awal-awal masuk kelas prak. farset I di lab farmasetika non steril

kelas terakhir prak Farset II di lab Farset non steril juga~~

1st Post!!!!!

by Hartika Guspayane at 8:19 PM 0 responses
I listen to this song while creating this blog, the song is so touching, the rhythm I mean.
You all should listen to this song too. :)

 Because I love You - Wax
I cried every night because of you
I spent the whole night like that
I thought I would forget you as time passed
And it should be time for me to forget you

When another day passes,
Another layer of regret stacks up in my heart
My small habits still contain you in them

Why did you do that?

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